Friday, October 12, 2007

IMO: Gen-Next Taking the Reins

Blog Editor's Note: The following was submitted on Oct. 2. Unfortunately, the blog was down for a while due to technical issues. CABJ Straight Talk apologizes for the delay.

As a member of CABJ, I am so proud the "next generation" is taking the reigns of activism. I'm NOT "anti-Sharpton" or "anti-Jackson" but I am "anti-do-or-say-nothing." I'm talking about the students of the Black Student Alliance at the University of Colorado in Boulder walking out today in support of the Jena 6 and to protest how they were treated down in Louisiana.

The good part of the new injustices (if there is such a thing) being witnessed is that it is spurring a whole new generation of activists who refuse to go away. They will be heard!

The walkout is in conjunction with the National Walk-Out Movement created by rapper, Mos Def.


Resuming Normal Blog Frequencies!

We've been down for a while due to technical difficulties. Please pardon the delay.

We're coming back with a vengeance, though.

First up, a long overdue post by Gloria Neal. Then an update on a new PBS-affiliate program hosted by CABJ member and former CABJ president Tamara Banks. Then an interview with Gina McCauley, creator of the What About Our Daughters blog. Gina has some interesting thoughts about 21st Century journalism and about the performance of journalists overall and about black journalists specifically. That post should be up early next week.