Saturday, December 8, 2007

Free Photoshop CS3 Class -- Today!

If you are looking to enhance your career through digital imaging and multi-media productions, here is a free opportunity for you. Please come attend a free Career Development workshop at Colorado Technical University. Specifically, it is a free Digital Imaging Workshop using Adobe's latest digital Imaging tools(Photoshop CS3). The things to do include learning the ins and outs of photoshop, image restoration and graphics editing, image modification, photo effects, size and scale and much more. Again, this is a free workshop on Saturday December 8th, from 10 to 2 PM. Lunch is Included. Please call 888-287-0555 to reserve a seat(limited seating)

You can attend either at the CTU Denver South Campus or CTU Denver North Campus.
For directions, go to .

Good Luck to everyone!

George Bamu

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