Friday, September 14, 2007

Flash News: "Our Health Matters" Is Back

Free Health Expo on Oct. 6

DENVER, Sept. 14 -- The Montbello/Green Valley Ranch Leadership Coalition (MGVRLC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is pleased to announce the second annual “Our Health Matters” Community Health Expo (formerly the Family Communication Fair) to be held from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Sat., Oct. 6, 2007, at Rachel B. Noel Middle School (5290 Kittredge Street, Denver, CO 80239).

More than 300 people (elementary, middle, and high school students, and their families) are expected to attend the Fair, which will address health and safety issues affecting the residents of Montbello and Green Valley Ranch.

FREE and open to Montbello and Green Valley Ranch families (as well as others who may want to attend), the Fair offers a unique opportunity to stress the importance of honest, open and proactive family dialogue as the first step to addressing issues during workshops that will address protection from sexually-transmitted diseases and hepatitis, proper nutrition and diet, eating disorders, body development, teen pregnancy, the dangers of tobacco use and second-hand smoke, gang and domestic violence, bullying, hypertension, diabetes, prostate, breast and colon cancer, peer pressure, self-esteem, the effects of TV/music/media and hip-hop culture, and the hazards of drug abuse.

Vendors and exhibitors from Denver’s health community will also host booths offering literature, screening tests and other products and services to attendees.

Denver City Council President Michael Hancock will welcome the families who attend, most of whom are his constituents.

“It is important that we, in District 11, take the lead in confronting the issues that disproportionately affect our neighborhoods,” he says. “Montbello and Green Valley Ranch families are hit hardest in the city when it comes to some of these issues that affect our health and well-being, so the solutions must begin with us.”

Also on hand will be Denver-based stand-up comedian Sam Adams who will open the event with his clean and clever brand of humor.

For More Information
Contact: Tracy Williams at 303-671-0499.

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