Monday, September 17, 2007

Online Training: Breaking into Sports Journalism

Let's face it. Sports journalism is one of those dream jobs almost all of us would like to try. Whether it's covering the Super Bowl, the World Series or a triple axel/triple toe/triple salchow at the Olympic Games ice skating finals, reporting sports news just sounds like a lot of fun.

And it is.

But guess what? It's also a lot of work.

If you're considering making the switch to sports journalism -- or if you're a seasoned sports journalist interested in a little refresher -- check out Breaking into Sports Journalism, a panel discussion about covering sports for television, newspapers, radio and blogs.

Panelists include Will Leitch, editor of, Sam Walker senior special writer and sports columnist for The Wall Street Journal and several editors from ESPN The Magazine.

Since the seminar is an on-demand video, you can download it to your computer and watch it anytime. Cost: $20.

NOTE: To see a preview, click on the Breaking into Sport Journalism link in the body of this post. The picture above is a static image. You can't access the preview from there.

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