Thursday, September 13, 2007


You've reached CABJ Straight Talk, the Colorado Association of Black Journalists' official blog. Our goal is to offer CABJ members -- and the public -- timely information about journalism and public relations.

Here are some of the regular features you can expect to find:
  • Flash News -- On deadline and looking for a filler? Check here for topics submitted by CABJ's PR members.
  • IMO (In My Opinion) -- Your opportunity to sound off about news...and newsmakers.
  • Mentor Moment -- Expert career advice from seasoned journalism and public relations professionals.
  • PR Corner -- Tips, trends and topics specific to PR.
  • Your CABJ -- Association events, member announcements and meeting reminders to help you stay current with the latest CABJ developments.
Visit often! There's always something of interest here.

Amani Ali

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