Thursday, September 13, 2007

IMO (In My Opinion)

Want to support the Jena 6? Here's what to do if you:
  • Have a few hours
    Learn more...and act! Research the issue then write an article, discuss on the radio, write an op-ed or discuss the topic online.
  • Have a few minutes
    Sign this online petition to ask the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice to review the events surrounding the prosecution these high school students.
Tracy Williams
Principal | TradeWinds Communications

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having lived in Louisiana, it doesn't surprise me this type of legal lynching is taking place in Jena, Louisiana. Racisim runs deep in the parishes of this state, and the outside world is not aware that before Katrina, discrimination was a second language and the state created the model for developing a permanent underclass. Hell, I remember the time that Blacks didn't have running water and inside toliets deep in suburban parishes and only got it when the media was made aware of the continuous fight. Kudos to the students of Howard University who decided this type of injustice needs to stop. People don't take your eyes off of this story, because Jena wants you to forget this one! Viper